Saturday 23 March 2013


Dear diary,
He's probably the most confusing person I've ever met. Maybe that's why I want him more, he keeps me interested. I need him more and more everyday I sometimes get so angry with his late texts and just every time I wanted to get angry he replied. It's like he's doing it on purpose as he can see what's in my mind. Just weird but I can never get angry of him. I tried my hardest not to be annoying with his late texts and just the time I reply I couldn't get my temper up it gets down right away. Is like a cure to get my temper. I love this guy but I don't know how to show it. I feel weird telling him all my stuff. I feel weird when he's trying to tell me something and I don't get it. I feel weird when he's doing stuff in public. I feel like I don't get myself and him too. I thought I do but now I don't think so. I feel like I'm annoying him with the speed I reply him. I feel like I'm nothing to him. I feel like he's wasting time on me. I feel like he deserves better.
It's been more than two months and we hasn't gone on a date for almost a month now. I miss the dates. I miss our talks. I miss having each other around when we are awake. I feel miserable. I feel weird. I feel annoyed with myself.
I'm weird.


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